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Serial Number In Datagridview Vb Net Format

  1. Serial Number In Datagridview Vb Net Format Date Time

Working with numeric values often requires the ability toconvert these values into String values in a particular format. In thisarticle, I'll show you a simple way to convert the numbers (Int32, Decimal,Double, and other datatypes) into formatted strings.

Working with standard numeric format stringsYou can convert a numeric value into a string by overloadinga version of the ToString method, whichaccepts a format string.There are two types of numeric format strings: standard andcustom. The standard numeric format strings use one of the predefined formatsand are specified by a letter corresponding to a particular format. Whenconverting a number to a string, the letter specifying one of the standardnumeric formats is used in combination with a number that refers to a precisionto be used during the conversion.

DateData grid view vb 2008Serial number in datagridview vb net format date time

Here's an example: Dim numInfo as Decimal = 11443.4DMessageBox.Show(numInfo)Dim strMoney as String = numInfo.ToString('C')MessageBox.Show(strMoney)Dim strNormal as String = numInfo.ToString('N')MessageBox.Show(strNormal)In this sample, I define the Decimal variable numInfo and set its value. Then, I define the Stringvariable strMoney and convert thevalue of numInfo into a String in a Currency format.

Similarly, I define the String variable strNormal and convert the value of numInfo intoa String in a Normal format. Standard numeric format specifiers.

Serial Number In Datagridview Vb Net Format Date Time

For more details about these specifiers. Custom numeric format specifiersYou can also create custom format strings when the availablestandard format strings don't satisfy your needs. A custom numeric formatstring consists of one or more custom numeric format specifiersand defines how numeric data would be formatted. For a full list of customnumeric format specifiers,. Miss a tip?Check out the, and catch up on the most recent editions of column.Advance your scripting skills to the next level with TechRepublic's free Visual Basic newsletter, delivered each Friday.